Mathayom 1

The Mathayom 1 syllabus has been designed based on the Time Zones series of coursebooks published by National Geographic Learning.

An example of the materials in the student book are shown above (click to open it as a PDF).

Supplementary materials, such as the worksheet above (click to open it as a PDF) are designed by the teachers for each unit.


The Mathayom 1 syllabus for 2024/2025 includes the following areas:


  • countries and nationalities
  • jobs
  • describing characteristics and behaviours
  • weather and climate
  • places in a town
  • music and music genres
  • physical appearance
  • health, injuries and parts of the body


  • adverbs and expressions of frequency
  • going to for future plans, intentions and decisions
  • countable and uncountable nouns
  • comparative and superlative adjectives
  • present continuous and present simple
  • time adverbials

Functional Language:

  • giving and expressing opinions
  • talking about likes and dislikes
  • asking for, making and responding to suggestions
  • asking about and discussing future plans
  • buying goods in a shop
  • describing problems and offering solutions


  • listening to a converion and answering comprehension questions
  • reading short articles and completing charts to show their understanding
  • reading a story and completing a summary of it
  • watching videos on engaging topics and summarising them
  • reading descriptison of different animals and describing them to their classmates


Students complete 4 portfolios, which contribute to their Mathayom 1 grade.

Select the portfolio title to open an example of each piece of work from recent years, although some portfolio themes have been updated for this academic year.

Portfolio 1:


Students write a description of an animal that they are interested in and what abilities it has..

Portfolio 2:


Students interview their parents / sibilings and annotate a photo of their family, describing each person's appearance and their hobbies.

Portfolio 3:

Music and Songs

Students examine a song in English that they like, explaining its genre, meaning, and why they enjoy the song.

Portfolio 4:

My neighborhood

Students plan and produce a walking tour of the neighborhood where they live, highlighting points of interest.